日時:2024年12月9日(月) 17:00~18:00
使用言語:英語 (通訳はつきません)
Date and Time: Monday, December 9, 2024, 17:00-18:00 (Registration 16:45)
Platform: Zoom webinar (Live and On-demand streaming)
Sponsored by Embassy of the Republic of Malta in Japan, Malta Enterprise and Japan Institute for Overseas Investment (JOI)
Language: English without interpretation
The Republic of Malta has built a strong reputation as a reliable partner for trade and investment due to its robust economy, political stability, strategic location, and business-friendly environment.
In recent years, the political and economic relationship between the Republic of Malta and Japan has improved significantly following several high-level visits and the opening of embassies in the respective countries.
During this seminar, two of Malta’s main business organisations, Malta Enterprise, and the Malta Chamber of Commerce, will provide an overview of the opportunities for collaboration that exist between Malta and Japan and how these can be developed to benefit both countries.
17:00 – 17:05
第1部 開会の挨拶/Part 1 : Opening Remarks
アンドレ・スピテリ閣下(駐日マルタ共和国大使)/ H.E. Mr. André Spiteri, Ambassador of Malta to Japan
H.E. Mr. André Spiteri will be providing a brief overview of the work being conducted by the Embassy of the Republic of Malta in relation to investment and trade promotion before introducing the speakers of the present seminar.
第2部 マルタ商工会議所(ザ・マルタ・チェンバー)と日本-国際化の最大化に向けて
Part 2 : The Malta Chamber and Japan – Maximizing on Internationalization
クリス・ヴァッサロ・チェザレオ(マルタ商工会議所 会頭)/ Mr. Chris Vassallo Cesareo, President, Malta Chamber of Commerce
An introduction to the Malta Chamber of Commerce, including its structure and the sectors that it represents will be provided. The presentation will also provide an outline of past and ongoing contacts that the Chamber has conducted in Japan. Additionally, Mr Vassallo Cesareo will be sharing insight into areas of interest for future collaboration between Malta and Japan.
第3部 マルタ・エンタープライズ-外国投資支援策
Part 3 : Malta Enterprise – Measures to Support Foreign Investment
ジョージ・グレゴリー(マルタ・エンタープライズ 最高経営責任者)/ Mr. George Gregory, Chief Executive Officer, Malta Enterprise
ユルゲン・ザミット(マルタ・エンタープライズ 投資促進部 部長)/ Mr. Jurgen Zammit, Head, External Unit, Investment Promotion, Malta Enterprise
Malta Enterprise is the economic development agency of the Republic of Malta and is tasked with attracting new foreign direct investment as well as facilitating the growth of existing operations. Mr Gregory will be explaining the objectives of Malta Enterprise and its strategic importance for the economy of the Republic of Malta. Subsequently, Mr Zammit will be delivering a presentation on the main economic sectors of Malta, together with an introduction on the country’s taxation structure and business support measures.
質疑応答/Q&A Session
※For online participation, please refer to the email that will be sent on December 6.
※Please also apply for on-demand streaming. The link will be sent to you after the webinar.