


Strategic Location and Investment Strategies for Japanese Companies in the U.S.

主催:K&L Gates外国法共同事業法律事務所、一般財団法人海外等融資情報財団
Time and Date: Wednesday, September 11, 2024, 14:00~17:15 (Registration 13:30~)
Venue: Japan Bank for Internation Cooperation 9th Floor Auditorium
Sponsored by K&L Gates, Japan Institute for Overseas Investment (JOI)
Supported by Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC)
Language: English without interpretation



Opening Remarks

Olivia Byrne (K& L Gates, Washington DC) — Incentives
U.S. State and Local governments offer a wide range of tax and other incentives for projects established within their jurisdictions. Which types of investments do State and Local governments hope to attract? How does an investor successfully negotiate the process of receiving the incentives? What should the investor you know about the incentive and site selection process that is truly discretionary? Which issues are most critical to Japanese investors?  What are the traps for the unwary?
・Introduction-Effects on the US Market-Global Interconnectedness with Japan
・High Level State Review
・The Process to Select a Location or Site in the US
・Types of Incentives available to Inbound Projects
・Traps for the Unwary in the Process

Coffee Break

Nate Bolin (K& L Gates, Washington DC) — CFIUS
The U.S. Congress and President continue to expand the authority of the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) to investigate, impose restrictions, or block non-U.S. investments involving U.S. businesses, technology, infrastructure, and data. CFIUS has new enforcement powers and has begun imposing civil penalties, investigating a wider range of non-notified transactions, and expanding its review into so-called “outbound” investments. Companies and investors are also increasingly working with CFIUS and other US government agencies to use CFIUS as a “shield” to stop or sideline investments by competitors. Drawing from his experience with such issues on behalf of Japanese and other investors, the presentation will address trends and minimizing CFIUS risks in future investments.
・New CFIUS Enforcement Powers
・Expansion of CFIUS Review and Investigations
・Tactical Use of CFIUS by Competitors


Matt Leggett (K& L Gates, Washington DC) – IRA and the Election
The U.S. government is investing $2 trillion in boosting American competitiveness through infrastructure projects and clean energy and semiconductor manufacturing. The presentation will address implementation of tax credit, grant, and loan programs, as well as political risks associated with various possible outcomes in the upcoming Federal elections.
・More than $2 trillion injected into the U.S. economy
・Accessibility to federal incentives for foreign companies
・Hurdles to federally-incentivized project development in the U.S.
・Political risk

Todd Southwell (K& L Gates, Chicago) — Corporate Transparency Act (“CTA”) and M&A
The CTA requires companies doing business in the United States to report beneficial ownership and control information to the U.S. Government, with new rules effective in January, 2024. The rules create reporting obligations to the U.S. Financial Crimes Enforcement (“FinCEN”) division for many businesses formed or operating in the United States that are “in-scope” of the regulations to report their beneficial owners to FinCEN. Significant penalties for non-compliance can impact the company, owners, transactions and financings. The presentation will explain reporting requirements and what investors in a U.S. business should know. 
The presentation will also discuss the status and trajectory of the U.S. M&A market.
・Corporate Transparency Act Presentation Outline
・Current M&A Environment and Trends in the US

Closing Remarks

Eric Sedlak, Partner, K&L Gates (Tokyo)
Toshi Yoshida, Partner, K&L Gates (New York)
Dominic Gregory, Partner, K&L Gates (Tokyo)


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