日時:2022年12月5日(月) 15:30~17:00
Time and Date: Monday, December 5, 2022 15:30~17:00
Venue:Zoom Webinar (Live and On-demand streaming)
Hosted by Mayer Brown GJBJ, Japan Institute for Overseas Investment (JOI)
Language: English without simultaneous interpretation
1. 背景/Background – necessary increased production of critical minerals in order to meet de-carbonisation goals.
2. サプライチェーン/Supply chain issues – challenges arising from the location and concentration of both minerals in the ground and processing capacity.
3. 価格にかかわる課題/Price curve issues – the economic challenges of investing in new projects to explore for and exploit critical mineral deposits.
4. ESGにかかわる取締/Enforcement of ESG related issues – the US is increasingly legislating to ensure ESG compliance in overseas mining projects.
5. 日本企業の課題/Issues for Japanese companies – how do Japanese companies navigate US policies in the critical minerals sector.
6. 米国・英国の政策/US/EU policy – policy approaches to critical mineral shortages.
7. 米国・英国の法制/US/EU legislation – legislative initiatives in connection with critical mineral shortages.
8. インフレ抑制法/Inflation Reduction Act – the primary US legislation designed to enable investment in critical minerals.
9. 変貌するサプライチェーン/The evolving supply chain – how are end users of critical minerals seeking to solve supply chain issues.
10. 国別分析/Country analysis – which countries hosting critical mineral deposits offer the best investment opportunities.
11. ジョイントベンチャーとデューデリジェンスにおける主な課題/Key joint venture/due diligence issues – what to look for when making investments in critical mineral projects.
12. メイヤーブラウンの過去事例/Mayer Brown experience – a brief description of our experience in the critical minerals sector.
13. 質疑応答/Q&A
Ian Coles, Partner, Mayer Brown, London
Warren S. Payne, Senior Advisor, Mayer Brown, Washington DC
Gordon A. Palmquist, Partner, Mayer Brown, Tokyo
Satoru Murase, Partner, Mayer Brown, New York