会場: 日本工業倶楽部 » MAP
主催: FTI コンサルティング、一般財団法人海外投融資情報財団(JOI)
Date and time: Thursday, 6 November, 2014, 16:30-20:00
Venue: The Industry Club of Japan
Sponsors: FTI Consulting, Japan Institute for Overseas Investment (JOI)
16:30-17:30 最前線からの知見:ケーススタディと教訓
Perspectives From the Frontline: Case Studies and Lessons Learned
Why FCPA matters to Japan: Anti-corruption violations and business impact
Enforcement Trends: Trends in global anti-corruption enforcement and key Japan related cases
Corruption Risk Mitigation: A Practical Guide
Compliance Credit: Even the most compliant company is susceptible to corruption, but an effective compliance program is a key consideration in sentencing
Enhancing Transparency in Business Dealings: A Compliance Monitor’s Perspective
Doing Business While Mitigating the Risk of Corruption: How enhanced due diligence and compliance can become part of your overall operation and everyday business dealings
ニール・ホックバーグ(FTIコンサルティング フォレンジック・訴訟コンサルティング部門 グローバルセグメントリーダー シニアマネジングディレクター、世界経済フォーラム 反汚職パートナーイニシアチブ プロジェクトアドバイザー)
Mr. Neal Hochberg, Senior Managing Director and
Global Segment Leader of Forensic and Litigation Consulting at FTI Consulting Inc., Project Advisor to the World Economic Forum’s Partnering Against Corruption Initiative
17:30-18:00 質疑応答/Questions & Answers
18:30-20:00 カクテルレセプション/Cocktail Reception
お問い合わせは事業企画部あてにご連絡ください。 / Inquiry Form