主催:Berkeley Research Group、西村あさひ法律事務所、一般財団法人海外投融資情報財団
Streaming Period: September 8~September 29, 2020
Duration: About 90 minutes
Hosted by Berkeley Research Group, Nishimura & Asahi, Japan Institute for Overseas Investment (JOI)
The COVID-19 pandemic has drawn attention globally on looking actively to address dependence on China for production and supply. This has come in the midst of a US/China trade war which has seen companies dealing with the impact of increased tariffs being levied on their China operations. An American Chamber of Commerce survey conducted in China last year revealed around 40 percent of respondents were considering relocating their operations from China as, to beat the tariffs, a significant amount of production needs to be realised outside of China. Japan’s US$170 billion imports from China in 2019 put it at the top of the list of economies which rely heavily on China for essential items.
– But is repatriation or relocation of supply chains a feasible option?
– What are the factors that need to be considered if looking to downsize/ shut down Chinese operations and relocate to another country?
– What is the best approach to supply chain diversification?
第一部: サプライチェーンの移転/Berkeley Research Group
Part One: Supply Chain Relocation – Berkeley Research Group
サプライチェーン多様化の背景/Rationale for Supply Chain Diversification
◆現況/Overview of the current situation
◆日中経済関係の状況/Status of China/Japan business relations
◆政府からのインセンティブ/Government incentivisation
◆サプライチェーンの動向/Trends in supply chain movement
移転の検討/Exploring Relocation
◆新規市場参入の判断/New market entry assessment
人件費、サプライチェーンの効率性/Labour costs/supply chain efficiencies
リスクの多様化vs. 適切なインフラの不足/Risk diversification vs. lack of adequate infrastructure
カントリーリスク、政治リスクおよびオペレーションリスク/Country/ Political/Operational risks
多様化戦略/Diversification Strategy
◆サプライチェーンのデジタル化およびテクノロジー/Supply Chain Digitilization and Technology
◆サプライチェーンの構造/Supply Chain structures
◆継続性の確保/Ensuring continuity
第二部:中国事業の再編・撤退の検討/ 西村あさひ法律事務所
Part Two: Exploring Downsizing/ Shutting Down China Operations – Nishimura & Asahi
業務縮小・停止の手順/Downsizing/ Shutdown procedure
◆中国での業務再編・撤退の手続き/Downsizing/ shutdown procedure in China
◆関連する法的論点/Relevant legal approaches
◆日系企業の子会社および製造拠点が業務再編・撤退を検討する際の留意点/Factors to consider for Japanese susbsidiaries/ factory operations looking to downsize/ shutdown
アプローチの違い/Differences in Approaches
◆会社解散vs. 持分譲渡/Dissolution vs. equity transfer
注意事項やその対応/Issues to be aware of and how to approach them
◆解雇・リストラなどの労働問題/Labour issues concerning lay off
◆デューデリジェンス/Due diligence
◆法的な関連事項/Legal implications
◆政府当局への対応/Government issues
ベン・フォーエイカー(Berkeley Research Group 日本支社長)
Ben Fouracre, Japan Representative Director, Berkeley Research Group
野村 高志(西村あさひ法律事務所 パートナー 弁護士 上海事務所 代表)
Takashi Nomura, Nishimura & Asahi Shanghai Office, Representative/Partner
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お問い合わせは事業企画部あてにご連絡ください。/Inquiry Form