


Webinar:COVID 19, Investment Prospects, and the Importance of Due Diligence in Southeast Asia

Part 1. Recovery & Ahead of the Curve in Southeast Asia (ENGLISH*)

Jeremy Tan(Director BRG)

Part 2. A comparative view of Government Responses in Singapore, Vietnam, Indonesia and the Philippines (ENGLISH*)

Aby Wijaya(Senior Associate BRG)

主催:Berkeley Research Group Ltd.、一般財団法人海外投融資情報財団


As the world continues to grapple with the COVID-19 pandemic, mainstream coverage has tended to focus on countries which faced earlier outbreaks: China; South Korea and Japan; and Western countries straining from huge spikes of cases, such as the US, Italy and Spain. Countries in Southeast Asia, meanwhile, are uniquely placed to potentially benefit from a realignment of supply chains and trading preferences, a shift that has been occurring in recent years but has been hastened by the growing Western perception of China’s culpability for causing this pandemic and the resultant economic fallout.


第一部 東南アジアの経済復興とデューデリジェンス実施から得られる成功 (20分)
Part 1. Recovery & Ahead of the Curve in Southeast Asia – 20 minutes

While Southeast Asia will feel the impact from COVID 19 as much as the rest of the world, it could still stand to capitalise from a rush of new investment in the aftermath of the pandemic. Optimistic observers predict that Southeast Asian economies could be among the first to experience the beginning of a V-shaped recovery next year. With this in mind, investors eager to enter the region would do well to consider whether their due diligence programs are fit for purpose now to avoid a costly misstep down the road.

◆世界及びアジア・東南アジアの経済動向/What are the wider global dynamics and prevailing trends for Asian/Southeast economies
◆新型コロナウイルスはいかに経済状態と成長予測を悪化・増幅させたか/How has COVID 19 exacerbated or hastened prevailing trends and baseline growth predictions
◆日本の復興計画は、サプライチェーンの脱中国、および自動化、デジタル化、AI導入による働き方改革を推し進めるか/Will Japan’s recovery plan strategic shift supply chain out of China and kickstart automation, digitization and AI to cope with its human resource crunch
◆日本の投資が盛んなベトナム、インドネシア及びミャンマーといった国々における経済復興後の新たな魅力/What are the high growth investment countries in the region for Japan and why they are attractive as “green shoots” in the recovery: Vietnam; Indonesia; Myanmar
◆こうした国々でのデューデリジェンスの重要性と情報の限定性、検閲、制約/The importance of due diligence in these countries in view of their various eco-systems and how necessary information is constrained, censored, and regulated.

第二部 シンガポール、ベトナム、インドネシア、フィリピン政府の対応の比較(30分)
Part 2. A comparative view of Government Responses in Singapore, Vietnam, Indonesia and the Philippines – 30 minutes

Government responses to the pandemic in Southeast Asia have differed greatly. Some governments responded early, while others initially tried to ignore the outbreak. We look at the government responses in Singapore and Vietnam, two countries that fall into the first group, as well as in Indonesia and the Philippines, two that fall into the latter group.

◆東南アジア諸国の封じ込め政策、景気対策の比較分析、外国企業に対して参入障壁を設けている政府は?/A comparative analysis of the different SEA countries’ response and containment strategies, stimulus packages and which governments appear to be making things more difficult for foreign companies
◆コストと効率性の最善のバランスをとりつつ、いち早く回復力を見せている政府は?/Which countries offer the best balance of cost and efficiency, but also offer the best resilience in the post COVID world
◆アジアで先立って感染を封じ込めたように見られる韓国、香港、台湾、シンガポールは富裕国かつ高度なテクノロジーを有しているが、ベトナムは東南アジア諸国内でも例外にあたるか?/Is Vietnam the standalone exception in SEA? Most Asian economies that appear to have contained the pandemic, such as S. Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Singapore are considered rich and centralized technocratically.


(1) ジェレミー・タン、 BRGディレクター/Jeremy Tan, Director BRG
Jeremy is a director of BRG’s Global Investigations + Strategic intelligence practice based in Singapore. He has a decade of experience in Southeast Asia advising private companies, law firms, and governments; having supervised and led the execution of hundreds of investigative and intelligence gathering assignments in a multitude of sectors including in-depth reputational due diligence, asset tracing, political risk analysis, and threat assessments.
Jeremy previously served in the Singapore Government’s Prime Minister’s Office where he was involved in the identification and monitoring of emerging issues of security and strategic importance to Singapore and the wider Asia Pacific region.

(2) アビー・ウィジャヤー、BRGシニアアソシエイト/Aby Wijaya, Senior Associate BRG
Aby Wijaya is a senior associate in BRG’s Global Investigations + Strategic Intelligence practice based in Tokyo where he has been for the last twelve years and provides comprehensive investigative research and analysis across the Asia–Pacific region. With a specialism in Indonesia, Aby conducts a broad range of business intelligence, investigative due diligence, asset searching, fraud and corporate investigations, and other risk-analysis activities for Japanese companies and multinational companies in Japan.

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