日時:2022年2月15日(火) 16:30〜17:30
Time and Date: Tuesday, February 15, 2022 16:30h-17:30h (JST)
Location: Webinar (Live and On-demand streaming)
Sponsors: Norton Rose Fulbright (Asia) LLP Gaikokuho Jimu Bengoshi Jimusho, Japan Institute for Overseas Investment (JOI))
In this seminar, we will update you on the the latest trends regarding foreign direct investment (FDI) review in Europe and inform you about the draft EU regulation on foreign subsidies distorting the internal market, which was proposed by the European Commission in May 2021, and consider their implications on Japanese companies. With respect to the FDI review, we will mainly discuss recent trend towards increased scrutiny with new regimes being adopted and existing regimes being expanded, and the enforcement situation of the EU FDI Screening Regulation that began applying in October 2020. With regard to the draft foreign subsidies regulation, we will provide you with an overview of the draft, focusing on three investigative tools to detect and regulate foreign subsidies that may distort the internal market, i.e. (i) prior notification for concentrations, (ii) prior notification for foreign financial contributions in public procurement procedures, and (iii) ex officio review.
Jay Modrall, Partner, Brussels and Milan, Norton Rose Fulbright
マーク・ワハ(ノートン・ローズ・フルブライト法律事務所 東京/香港オフィス パートナー)
Marc Waha, Partner, Tokyo and Hong Kong, Norton Rose Fulbright
武藤 まい(ノートン・ローズ・フルブライト法律事務所 ブリュッセルオフィス カウンセル(弁護士))
Mai Muto, Counsel, Brussels, Norton Rose Fulbright
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