主催:BCA Research社、一般財団法人海外投融資情報財団(JOI)
Time and Date: Tuesday, June 22, 2021, 10:00~11:00
Location: Webinar (Live and On-demand streaming)
Sponsored by BCA Research and Japan Institute for Overseas Investment (JOI)
※関連資料:Emerging Markets/China:Long-Term Growth Prospect
(1) What drives EM growth? The outlook for productivity and labor force growth.
(2) Are developing countries more leveraged to the US or Chinese economy?
(3) The outlook for China: the race between innovation and credit misallocation.
(4) Changing supply chains: what does it mean for global trade and various emerging economies?
Arthur Budaghyan, Chief Strategist, Emerging Markets Strategy, BCA Research
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