


Risk Environment Surrounding Indonesia

Date and Time: Friday, February 28, 2014, 14:00-17:00
Location: Japan Bank for International Cooperation 9th Floor Auditorium
Sponsors: Kroll, Frontier Management Inc., Japan Institute for Overseas Investment (JOI)
Supporter: Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC)


日英同時通訳付/with English/Japanese simultaneous interpretation

14:00-14:10 イントロダクション/Introduction

影山 正(クロール シニア・マネジングディレクター)
Tadashi Kageyama, Senior Managing Director, Kroll

14:10-15:20 日本企業がインドネシアや他のASEAN諸国にてM&Aをする上でのリスク

M&A risks associated with the entry of Japanese companies in Indonesia and other ASEAN countries
•M&Aの現場から見たインドネシアの概況/Outline of the M&A front line in Indonesia
•日本企業がインドネシアにおいてM&A(PMI:Post Merger Integrationも含む)をする際のリスクRisks of M&A (Including PMI) that Japanese companies face in Indonesia
Key to M&A success based on an Indonesia case study

村木 徹太郎(フロンティア・マネジメント株式会社 専務執行役員)
Tetsutaro Muraki, Senior Managing Executive Officer, Frontier Management Inc.

15:20-15:40 コーヒーブレイク/Coffee Break

15:40-16:50 インドネシアで増大する規制・政治リスク~2014年総選挙を控えて

Growing Regulatory and Political Risks in 2014 Indonesia
•インドネシア概要/The Indonesian context
State of play: Growing interference in business during the 2014 election cycle
•外資企業に関連するリスク/Risks related to foreign ownership
Political risks at the national, regency, and city levels
Risks of foreign ownership during / and after the election cycle
•裁判官、KPK(汚職撲滅委員会)の役割/The role of the judiciary and the KPK
Western approaches to mitigating with political and regulatory risks
•他の規制・政治リスクの対応策/Other approaches to political and regulatory risks
•ケーススタディ/Case studies

ジェム・オズターク(クロール シニア・ディレクター)
Cem Ozturk, Senior Director, Kroll

16:50-17:00 質疑応答/Questions & Answers

お問い合わせは事業企画部あてにご連絡ください。 / Inquiry Form