


The Industrial Internet of Things – connecting the operational with the legal dimension

Time and Date: Thursday, March 2, 2017, 9:30-12:30 (registration starts at 9:15)
Location: Japan Bank for International Cooperation 9th Floor Auditorium
Sponsored by Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer, Fraunhofer Institute for Intelligent Analyses and Information systems in Germany and Japan Institute for Overseas Investment (JOI)
Supported by Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC)



【セクション1/Section 1】
◆データ重視型の企業 (フラウンホーファー研究機構のTim Wirtz氏による講演)
The data driven company (presented by Dr. Tim Wirtz of the Fraunhofer Institute for Intelligent Analyses and Information systems in Germany)
- Current developments concerning the Industrial Internet of Things and Smart Factories
- Best practice examples and lighthouse projects of the Fraunhofer Institute and the Big-Data Alliance
※The presentation will cover use cases for industrial analytics, the scope of the Fraunhofer Industry 4.0 shell model, its impact on the operation and strategy of businesses and implications for product life cycles.

◆資産としてのデータ管理/Managing data as an asset

【コーヒーブレイク/Coffee Break with light snacks】

【セクション2/Section 2】
◆IoT分野における独禁法リスク/Antitrust risks in the IoT sphere
Use cases and legal challenges for smart contracts deployed on a block chain
Project managing the global roll out of IoT related services and products
◆IoT企業の買収/Acquiring an IoT company

質疑応答/Questions & Answers


Dr. Tim Wirtz:フラウンホーファー研究機構インテリジェント分析・情報システム研究所 シニアデータサイエンティスト
Dr. Tim Wirtz:Senior Data Scientist at the Fraunhofer Institute for Intelligent Analyses and Information systems in Germany

エドワード・コール:フレッシュフィールズ 東京オフィス マネージングパートナー
Edward Cole:Office Managing Partner of Freshfields’ Tokyo office, focusing on national and international private M&A transactions and transactions in the Tech sector

リチャード・バード:フレッシュフィールズ アジアIPグループ代表
Richard Bird:Head of Freshfields’ IP/ Commercial practice group in Asia

山田 香織:フレッシュフィールズ 東京オフィス カウンセル
Kaori Yamada:Counsel in Freshfields’ Tokyo office, specialized in competition law

マーカス・ウォルター:フレッシュフィールズ 東京オフィス シニア・アソシエイト
Marcus Wolter:Senior Associate in Freshfields’ Tokyo office, focusing on national and international private M&A transactions and transactions in the Tech sector

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