


Construction Masterclass 2021

日時:2021年11月25日(木)、12月2日(木) 16:00〜17:00
主催:ハーバート・スミス・フリーヒルズ外国法事務弁護士事務所、一般社団法人海外建設協会 (OCAJI)、一般財団法人海外投融資情報財団(JOI)

Time and Date: Thursday, November 25, Thursday, December 2, 2021 16:00h-17:00h (JST)
Location: Webinar (Live and On-demand streaming)
Sponsors: Herbert Smith Freehills GJBJ, The Overseas Construction Association of Japan, Inc. (OCAJI), Japan Institute for Overseas Investment (JOI))




This year, over two sessions, we will be focusing on the topic of overseas public construction projects and delving into the complexities behind working with state entities. Our speakers, joining from all corners of the globe, are prominent practitioners from our global construction practice and have extensive experience advising on large-scale public infrastructure projects.
Session One: “Dealing with States, The Key Considerations” will cover general considerations that Japanese corporates need to be aware of for outbound construction projects involving a state entity, regardless of the location of the project. We will go into the specific process of drafting considerations, such as ESG and change in law risk. We will walk through the process of negotiating with governments and identify key challenges, and we will look at potential treaty claims arising from bilateral and multilateral investment treaties.
In Session Two: “Dealing with States, The Opportunities and Challenges in South East Asia”, we will then embark on a virtual tour across Asia to look at jurisdiction-specific trends and issues, covering China, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, Singapore, Cambodia, Laos and Malaysia in Session Two. These are countries of high growth and present many exciting opportunities to Japanese developers and investors. Our panel of experts regularly work in these jurisdictions and will be sharing insights on the opportunities, and particular local considerations, in each jurisdictions and provide an update on recent market developments.


ハーバート・スミス・フリーヒルズ/Herbert Smith Freehills
クレイグ・シェパード(パートナー、建設プラクティス 日本ヘッド、東京オフィス) Craig Shepherd (Japan Head of Construction, Partner, Tokyo)
ティム・ヒーリー(パートナー、建設プラクティス、ロンドン・オフィス) Tim Healey (Construction, Partner, London)
トーマス・ファーロング(パートナー、紛争解決プラクティス、シンガポール・オフィス) Tomas Furlong (Dispute Resolution, Partner, Singapore)
ミシェル・リー(パートナー、建設紛争プラクティス、上海オフィス) Michelle Li (Construction Disputes, Partner, Shanghai)
ナレンドラ・アディヤサ(パートナー、ヒスワラ・ブンジャミン&タンジュン、ジャカルタ) Narendra Adiyasa (Hiswara Bunjamin & Tandjung, Partner, Jakarta)
ワラトーン・ウォンサワンシリ(パートナー、紛争解決プラクティス、バンコク・オフィス) Warathorn Wongsawangsiri (Dispute Resolution, Partner, Bangkok)
ダニエル・ウォルデック(オブ・カウンセル、紛争解決プラクティス、シンガポール・オフィス) Daniel Waldek (Dispute Resolution, Of Counsel, Singapore)
デイヴィッド・オン(シニア・アソシエイト、プロジェクト、メルボルン・オフィス) David Ong (Projects, Senior Associate, Melbourne)

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