The Dominican Republic’s Investment Climate and Investment Guide for Japanese Companies Announcement

日時:2024年3月6日(水) 午前 10:00~12:00(9:30受付開始)
会場:株式会社国際協力銀行9F講堂 MAP
Time and Date: Wednesday, March 6, 2024 AM 10:00-12:00
Venue: Japan Bank for International Cooperation, 9th Floor Auditorium MAP
Sponsors: Embassy of the Dominican Republic in Japan, Exports and Investments of the Dominican Republic(ProDominicana), Japan Institute for Overseas Investment(JOI)
Supporters: Japan External Trade Organization(JETRO), International Friendship Exchange Council(FEC), Japan International Cooperation Agency(JICA), Japan Bank for International Cooperation(JBIC)
Language: Japanese and Spanish with simultaneous interpretation

ドミニカ共和国は 、1990年代以降企業に対する法的枠組みを支援のツールにする為に改革を行ってきました。 経済的にも政治的にも信頼できる安定性に加え、戦略的な立地と国際貿易への優れた統合性により海外企業に幅広い機会を提供する国になりました。

現在、ドミニカ共和国は中米及びカリブ海地域でトップレベルの投資先の一つに位置しています。 このセミナーでは、ドミニカ共和国にてビジネスを進出する際、どのような分野に潜在力があるのか、外国人投資家がカリブ海地域に位置するドミニカ共和国の利便性をどのように最大限に活用できるのか、またどうビジネスの促進ができるのか等の明確な理解を提供することを目的としてご説明致します。

Since 90’s decade, the Dominican Republic has been performing reforms in its legal framework to make it a supportive tool for businesses. That, accompanied by its reliable stability, either economic and political, plus its strategic location and great integration to the international trade, made it a nation that offers a wide range of opportunities to foreign companies.

Nowadays, the Dominican Republic is well positioned amongst the top investment destinations in Central America and the Caribbean. In this regard, this seminar will aim to provide a perspicuous understanding on which are those sectors with potential and what are those catalyzers that enable the foreign investors make the most out of this Caribbean country.


Opening remarks

H.E. Robert TAKATA, Ambassador of the Dominican Republic in Japan

Video of the Dominican Republic and presentation: Dominican Republic “A land full of opportunities

Mr. Marcial SMESTER, Investment Director of the Exports and Investment Centre of the Dominican Republic (ProDominicana)

One Stop Shop for Investment

Mr. Marcial SMESTER, Investment Director of the Exports and Investment Centre of the Dominican Republic (ProDominicana)

Investment guide announcement (Japanese version)

Mr. Marcial SMESTER, Investment Director of the Exports and Investment Centre of the Dominican Republic (ProDominicana) jointly with JICA.


Closing remarks

Mr. Kenichiro HAYASHI, President of Japan Institute for Overseas Investment (JOI)

Refreshments and networking

※Please provide your business card at the reception when you participate in the seminar.